Illusion & Reality

  • Recording of the webinar
  • Access through the innerwise Online Academy
  • Duration: ca. 4h (in total)

New findings on the Sound of the World

The “Sternstunden der Menschheit” (Stellar Moments of Humankind), written by Stefan Zweig, describe events in which people often changed the course of time without intention. The Sound of the World is also such a decisive moment for innerwise.

All these questions find answers in it:

  • How big is reality?
  • How many worlds does Phantasia consist of?
  • What is illusion?
  • And what is illusion in our life?
  • Which part of us lives in illusion and which in the Real?
  • How do we feed the illusion?
  • Can we also be fragmented in reality (the Real)?
  • How many worlds are we in?
  • Can we even understand higher worlds with the dual understanding of life?
  • Can we live more than one life in one body (first the duty and then the freestyle)?
  • Do duty and freestyle have a different distribution of presence in the Real?
  • What are the possible effects of spiritual escape, mysticism, drugs?
  • What is the optimal distribution of presence in the real worlds in different life cycles?
  • How do we become viable in concrete terms?
  • How can I transform backward energy into forward manifestation power?
  • What is the connection between detoxification, immune strengthening and thinking power?
  • What role does the Sound of the
  • World play in the search for the essence of life with innerwise?
  • Can the Sound of the World be applied to the I and the We (interaction spaces)?
  • Is the Sound of the World a kind of fountain of youth?
  • And how can anyone clear irritations with hand movements?